Thursday, November 10, 2011

Utah now No. 1 in use of Internet

Just a decade ago, only half of Utah homes were connected to the Internet. Now, eight of 10 are — which moves Utah into the top spot among the states. A new report from the U.S. Commerce Department says that 79.7 percent of Utah homes are now connected to high-speed broadband Internet, and another 2.6 percent have slower dial-up service — for a total of 82.3 percent connected to the Internet. Nationally, 68 percent of homes have broadband connections and another 3 percent have dial-up.
Academics and officials say Utah may be No. 1 because it has the nation’s youngest average age, and youth demand and use the Internet more than older people. Also, Utah’s population is concentrated along the Wasatch Front where the Internet is easily accessible. And Utah has a tradition of high-tech companies that may have made Internet use more common here early.  Salt Lake Tribune
For the full report, click here.