Thursday, January 5, 2012

Census Bureau releases 2011 Voting Age Population Estimates

Thanks to the U.S. Census Bureau, political junkies can now start counting possible votes. The Census Bureau has just released 2011 estimates of the voting age population. According to the estimates, as of July 1, 2011 there were 237.7 million U.S. citizens 18 years and older. Utah's 1.9 million age-eligible voters certainly pale in comparison to states with large voting-age populations. California (24.4 million), Texas (18.7 million), New York (15.2 million) and Florida (15.1 million) are the top states for voting-age population. With the youngest state in the nation, Utah shows the smallest share of voting age population--69 percent; Vermont maintains the largest state share of 18 and over population--80 percent.

You can download this information from the graphic above, or just check out the Census Bureau website, here.